United Taybeh American Association | utaausa@gmail.com

Donate Now

You can make a difference today, It starts with beleiving things can change


UTAA Holy Land Sponsorship Fund

Personal Info

General Donations


Your participation will support our mission and help us t0 achieve our charity goals.
The United Taybeh American Association is a 501(c)3 with a Tax ID # 38-3299796
Your donation is tax deductable.
love taybeh

Education Donations

UTAA and its supporters sponsor the following Educational programs to encourage continued education among Taybeh students. Programs require approximately $10,000 annually. 10 College students in need and have educational merit $5,000. Applications are taken through churches and schools. Applicants are vetted through a UTAA educational selection committee selected students names are kept in confidence. 4 awards for Tawjeehi top achievers $3,000. 2 first place finisher for Science and Liberal Arts ($1,000 each). 2 second place finishers for Science and Liberal Arts ($500 each). K-12 tuition coverage for students of families in need $2,000 paid directly to the school of the delinquent students.

Recurring Donations

Elderly Home

Christmas Baskets

Recurring Donations

Boy Scouts

Elderly Home

Christmas Baskets

Special Projects

PO Box 2151
Palos Verdes
Peninsula, CA 90274


United Taybeh
America Association

PO Box 2151
Palos Verdes
Peninsula, CA 90274

utaausa@ gmail.com

United Taybeh
America Association