United Taybeh American Association | utaausa@gmail.com


You can make a difference today, It starts with beleiving things can change


UTAA Holy Land Sponsorship Fund

Personal Info

Sponsorship Teirs

Become a Sponsor

The United Taybeh American Association is a non-profit dedicated to fostering a sense of community and cultural connections between the people of Taybeh, Palestine, and their ancestry living in the United States and beyond. Our primary mission is to preserve and strengthen the cultural bonds of the Taybeh community worldwide while also offering philanthropic support for initiatives in Taybeh, such as college scholarships, medical supplies, and various charitable and social projects. 

Your contribution through our Sponsorship Program is an important source of support for the convention and Taybeh cause. 

The United Taybeh American Association is a 501(c)3 with a Tax ID # 38-3299796. Your donation is tax deductable.

Recurring Donations

Elderly Home

Christmas Baskets

Recurring Donations

Boy Scouts

Elderly Home

Christmas Baskets

PO Box 2151
Palos Verdes
Peninsula, CA 90274


United Taybeh
America Association

PO Box 2151
Palos Verdes
Peninsula, CA 90274

utaausa@ gmail.com

United Taybeh
America Association