United Taybeh American Association | utaausa@gmail.com


We Believe
In Change

Lorem The UTAA is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 to organize and create unity among natives of Taybeh, Palestine and their ancestry living in the United States and abroad. Its main purpose is to maintain and nurture the cultural ties of the people of Taybeh in the United States and abroad as well as to provide philanthropic services for the people of Taybeh.

This includes funds for college scholarships, medical supplies, as well as other charitable and social projects in Taybeh.
Membership in the UTAA is open to all natives of Taybeh, Palestine and their ancestry living in the United States and abroad.

The board of directors, elected by the membership, manages the day to day business of the association and supervises policy enacted by the general assembly. Elections are held every two years to elect new officers.





Annual Month of Giving

Always Do Your Part
Helping others

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